Previous United By Blue logo

Redesigned United By Blue logo

Established in 2010, United By Blue United By Blue is an outdoor lifestyle brand that is located in and around Philadelphia. They have a mission to preserve the earth and commit to it through community-based clean-ups. With every product sold, United By Blue cleans a pound of trash from local waterways.


Brand Analysis.

Looking at United By Blue, their brand presence is environmentally conscious. Their existing color palette and typography choices resemble oceanic elements. Their products are for people with outdoor lifestyles and their locational shops embody a sense of wilderness. United By Blue’s online and social media presence is associated with clean water, as they post information about the ocean and their process in helping to create clearer water sources.



United By Blue sells products as a means to make the local environment clean. They are able to complete clean-up events through accessing and engaging their audience to partake. After analyzing United By Blue’s mission and existing branding, the issue I found was that there is not enough emphasis on the role they lead in Philadelphia communities. 

United By Blue’s brand is too focused on the “Blue” and not focused enough on their community involvement.  



Logo System

Redesigned color palette

Redesigned type system

To address the involvement United By Blue has in their communities, I have adjusted their logo, type system, and color palette. To highlight the company’s community involvement, the branding now feels personable, available, and engaged. The redesigned logo has an emphasis on the word “By” to replicate the handmade experience their audience receives when engaging with United By Blue.

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